A program to process the digitised data and turn them into meaningful comprehensive reports.

- Maintaining a pool of living Questions/Answer Keys/Explanations based on sound ideas/objectives within the capabilities of students’ experiences and knowledge and adapted towards local education.
- Detailed classification according Courses/Subjects/Units/Topics/Subtopics/Lessons so as to reflect precisely the learning outcome and competencies of the students.
- Tests can be generated for pre-testing, development, review and revision. Tests can be individualised and adapted towards each student based on his/her prior performance.
- Allows questions development in a collaborative ways by experienced teachers/subject specilists/content experts/researchers/students with comments/feedbacks by participants through distant discussion.
- Maintaining versions of questions in incremental improvement so as not to lose track of the development.
- Integrates seamlessly with SmartScan/SmartScore to record scores/performance per test and maintain indicators pertaining to questions/items and frequencies.
- Generate data/metadata for feeding into SmartScan neuro engine big-analytic bank for subsequent used by EdDiagnostics system to prescribe individualised learning plans for students, and in particular, the troubled students.

A computerised program to automate the marking and grading of subjective test papers.
- Handwritten paper marking.
The current beta version can only mark papers with block-letter answers in boxes: - Now it is suitable for spelling, fill in the blanks, cloze tests, etc.